What did they do? A bunch of their stupid-ass neighbors condemned them to that wretched fate! Where is the equality? The fairness? It's nowhere. It isn't fair. And dammit, if I don't have to sleep or eat and can go endlessly over tomes to find a way to either make me better or make others suffer, you better believe I will do that!
When the rebellious Forsaken at Wrathgate killed everyone , we all realized that there were two kinds of Forsaken: Those who were willing to get revenge and find a way to rise up out of their curse, and those who would drag everyone down with them. Either way, all Forsaken -- at least, those who are accepting of the fact they are dead and reanimated -- have thoughts of revenge. Take Lilian Voss, for example.
When she realized she was Forsaken, she tried to go back to her father. Her father blatantly denied her his love. Did she chose to be a monster? A wretch? Did she decide to become something to make her father hate her? Where's the justice in that? And her father, and others like him, make me ask OP something: "Why do so many races hate the Forsaken? This is an excellent summary of the Forsaken viewpoint, at least as I understand it.
It doesn't quiet explain why newly raised undead can be so quick to join the Forsaken, as we saw in Andorhal and the rest of the Western Plaguelands, though. Seems like there might be some sort of "spiritual corruption" factor at work as well. Post by Sigmafel This is an excellent summary of the Forsaken viewpoint, at least as I understand it. That may just be Blizzard not caring about that particular question, as it's thoroughly explained in Tirisfal, when you start playing an undead, that not all of them accept the condition, nor end up joining the Forsaken, even though it is heavily implied that for continued undead survival, you do this.
The blood elves of Quel'Thalas , newly invigorated by the returned magisters and the new powers at their disposal, went about reclaiming and rebuilding their ancient capital and expelling the Scourge from their lands. Lady Sylvanas, who had lost no love for her homeland even in death, [18] offered numerous methods of support to her former people and was a strong supporter of their acceptance into the Horde.
Together with the sin'dorei, a regiment of Forsaken troops assisted their elven allies in reclaiming much of the Ghostlands , including the town of Tranquillien. The Forsaken also assisted the blood elven Blood Knight order in forging a stone of great power to wield against the Scourge; their intimate knowledge of the Lich King's grasp proving an essential component in its creation. The Forsaken continued their research into their progressing plague in Outland , where numerous apothecaries such as Apothecary Azethen took and experimented with a variety of new ingredients for Forsaken uses.
During the Scourge Invasion , the Forsaken dealt with curing the plague while the Church of the Holy Light pledged itself to destroy the Scourge's necropolises. Andarius the Damned , a Forsaken warlock. As the Lich King began to make his presence known to the inhabitants of Azeroth , the Forsaken came ever closer to achieving their vengeance upon the despoiler of Lordaeron.
The Forsaken were one of the major powers in the war against the Lich King. Antoine Brack , a member of the Argent Dawn and a champion of the Forsaken, was captured by the death knights of Acherus of the Scourge. Lady Sylvanas moved to and from the frozen wastes of Northrend , and oversaw the construction of a proper Forsaken town within the region of Howling Fjord. One of the new Forsaken camps in Northrend is New Agamand , where most of the Royal Apothecary Society's members took up residence to finish perfecting the plague to unleash upon the Lich King.
Lady Sylvanas had been methodically and patiently overseeing the creation of this contagion for several years now, and it seemed the time at last had come to test it.
During the Lich King's initial attack on the cities of the Horde and Alliance, a renowned apothecary named Grand Apothecary Putress set up camp in Shattrath to counter the Lich King's own spreading plague. After numerous stages of experimentation, Putress succeeded in forming a counter-agent and curbing the spread of the plague of undeath.
For his efforts, he gained favor within the Forsaken's ranks, and Sylvanas dispensed him to assist the Horde advance into Northrend. Nevertheless, the attack convinced Warchief Thrall to commit to a Northrend campaign, much to Sylvanas' approval.
The Forsaken were one of the major superpowers to advance on Northrend. While the main Horde force attacked and conquered regions of Borean Tundra , the Forsaken fleet comprised of customized Lordaeron ships dredged up from the ocean [21] laid siege to Howling Fjord.
Coming under the banner of the Hand of Vengeance , the Forsaken army tasked with delivering apt revenge against Arthas, the queen's navy swiftly crushed the Alliance Northwatch fleet and cornered them on the shores of the Fjord. No sooner had the Forsaken began their assault, however, had the Lich King turned his gaze back to his former servants: Prince Valanar offered the Forsaken commander High Executor Anselm the chance to renounce his fealty to Queen Sylvanas and return to the Scourge's embrace.
However, Anselm swiftly disposed of the san'layn prince, and had adventurers slay him for his insolence in making mock of the queen and killing his men. The Hand of Vengeance also waged a war against the vrykul , and the Royal Apothecary Society's field-testing plaguebringers drenched a number with a potent strain of blight in order to test its final stages of production.
Their efforts would come to a head during the events of Dragonblight , where the Forsaken stationed at Venomspite and Agmar's Hammer perfected the final strains of the plague brought over from New Agamand. The Forsaken also came into conflict with their old enemy the Scarlet Crusade, now dissolved and reformed into the Scarlet Onslaught.
However, just as the hour of the Forsaken was to approach, tragedy struck. During the battle for Angrathar the Wrathgate , Grand Apothecary Putress and renegade plaguebringers made their appearance. After questioning the newly-arrived Lich King as to whether he thought the Forsaken had "forgotten" or "forgiven" him for what he had done, Putress drenched the battlefield in a massive strain of blight, causing huge losses to the collaboration of Horde and Alliance forces present.
The blight was so powerful, in fact, that Arthas himself was brought to his knees. The Lich King fled back to Icecrown, and Putress was left to cackle triumphantly at the destruction wrought on by the plague.
Putress' actions were outside the orders of the Forsaken and, concurrently with the Wrathgate attack, Varimathras had usurped control of the Undercity. Sylvanas barely escaped with her life and her loyalists, and the Forsaken were taken in by Thrall while they planned their next move.
In a conversation with Jaina Proudmoore , Thrall and Sylvanas reveal that Putress had allied with the treacherous dreadlord in order to depose the Dark Lady's rule.
Despite this, Jaina warns them that King Varian Wrynn nonetheless holds them responsible, and is considering leading an army into the Undercity in order to reclaim Lordaeron for the Alliance. Unwilling to abandon the Undercity to the traitors, Sylvanas, Thrall, and Vol'jin lead a Horde counterattack in order to remove Varimathras from power and restore the Undercity to the Forsaken. After fighting their way through a Burning Legion -controlled Undercity, the Banshee Queen and the Warchief succeed in killing Varimathras and retaking the Royal Quarter.
As they prepare to strike at Putress, however, King Varian enters and declares his intention to end it all there. Before the battle can increase in intensity, Jaina swiftly teleports the Alliance forces out of the Undercity, resulting in a successful Horde restoration. Though the Undercity had been restored to its rightful masters, the repercussions of the Wrathgate have hounded the Forsaken relentlessly. Their abomination guardians were either removed or relegated to the sewers, and Kor'kron overseers were deployed to watch over the Forsaken from that point forward.
Thrall's trust for the Forsaken seems to have become thinner than ever, and their credibility in the eyes of the wider Horde has also suffered. With the Undercity securely back in Horde hands, Lady Sylvanas personally made her way into Northrend in order to claim vengeance upon Arthas.
Together with her dark rangers, the Banshee Queen infiltrated Icecrown Citadel and fought her way through to the Halls of Reflection , where she came face-to-face with the blade that took her life. After Arthas successfully fought her off, however, Sylvanas was forced to face her inability to defeat her greatest foe alone. However, with his death, a void was left - while Sylvanas and the Forsaken had existed solely to claim their vengeance, the Dark Lady could only ponder what was left for them.
Val'kyr loyal to Sylvanas raise new Forsaken. Lilian Voss as a newly raised Forsaken. As it happens, the Forsaken - having successfully partaken in the fall of the Lich King - have turned their attention to other pursuits.
For one: the complete conquest of Lordaeron. Now, along with being mistrusted by her own allies, Sylvanas recognizes that many of Azeroth's other inhabitants still see her people as a threat, even after the Lich King's defeat. As their numbers dwindle by the day, the Forsaken have begun fortifying their holdings around the Undercity, working to prove their loyalty to the Horde's cause even as they ready themselves for any future attacks.
After the Lich King's death, a number of the more intelligent former Scourge members were accepted into the Forsaken's ranks by Queen Sylvanas. Some of them, the Val'kyr , have brought with them a new age for the Forsaken: the ability to "procreate" via their necromantic abilities, bolstering their numbers. The second generation Forsaken are individuals who were raised into undeath by these Val'kyr. The risen dead of the new Forsaken generation are given a choice of what to do after they are reborn.
Some of them, such as Valdred Moray , accept their fate, and seem keen to make themselves useful and serve the Forsaken in death. The resurrected Prince Galen Trollbane seemed resigned to the fate that befell him and while not particularly enthusiastic about killing his former allies, [25] he personally gave the quests to slay them for the good of the Dark Lady.
On the other hand, others do not react so positively. Lilian Voss reacts in horror to what she had become, and Marshal Redpath , not happy with his fate, attacks Deathknell after the transition. Some of the new Forsaken simply kill themselves on the spot. Dumass is perhaps the most extreme case of how the process can strip away rational thought and intelligence.
After the Cataclysm , the Forsaken launched an offensive against Gilneas , after being ordered by Garrosh Hellscream to do so. The Forsaken appear to be taking on a more offensive stance regarding the war with the Alliance, and with their new ability to bolster their ranks, their stranglehold on Lordaeron has become tighter than ever. The Forsaken have also began to fortify their own territories, stepping up from their previous preferences of run down human-esque buildings in favor of their own architecture, seen briefly in Northrend.
Forsaken activity on Draenor is in Warspear and Horde Garrison, alongside other members of the Horde. Benjamin Gibb ventured into Spires of Arak as Sylvanas's agent. During the invasion, various Forsaken joined the class orders and aided them in the fight against the Legion. Meanwhile, a group of Forsaken known as the Queensguard clashed with the Gilneas Brigade over control of the Warden Towers across the Broken Isles , going back and forth over control and attack of each tower.
During the Legion Assaults of Val'sharah , it is possible that the garrison at Starstalker's Point is overrun by the Legion and slain. While Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner was preoccupied with running the Horde in Orgrimmar , several individuals from the Forsaken set up the Desolate Council as an interim-government for the Undercity in the Dark Lady's absence.
Some within the Desolate Council were dissatisfied with the Forsaken's strict culture of forgetting their past lives and enforced continued undead existence; they had hoped to one day convince Sylvanas to institute reforms. When King Anduin Wrynn proposed a Gathering in order to reconcile the humans of Stormwind with their Forsaken relatives, Sylvanas gave it her permission on the stipulation that the Desolate Council help organize it and be its sole Forsaken participants.
However, the Gathering ended in tragedy. Calia Menethil had incited the Forsaken participants of the event to defect to the Alliance , which elicited Warchief Sylvanas's slaughter of all the Forsaken participants and Calia to curb any sedition to her authority. While the Alliance buried the Forsaken that were killed at the Gathering at an Arathi graveyard , Sylvanas has used the failed reunion to further alienate the Forsaken from their human counterparts.
Sylvanas later convinced the Horde that they need to take the initiative now that Azerite threatened to shift the balance of power between the Alliance and Horde. Thus the Horde instigated the War of the Thorns to sow discord among the Alliance and coerce the Alliance into submission. Although the Horde successfully conquered the night elven lands, Varok Saurfang had failed to kill Malfurion Stormrage , which Sylvanas believed was integral to killing the Alliance's defiant spirit.
Sylvanas then ordered the burning of Teldrassil in order to inflict a terrible wound on the Alliance and give the Horde a chance to win the Fourth War. As expected, the Alliance retaliated by attempting to reclaim Lordaeron Keep during the Battle for Lordaeron. Despite the Horde's best efforts, the Alliance routed the Horde from the city. Saurfang who disapproved of Sylvanas' dishonorable tactics, was left alone to be captured by the Alliance.
Rather than let the Alliance claim Lordaeron as a stronghold, Sylvanas had rigged all of the Undercity and Lordaeron Keep to be blighted. Having fled from their home, the Forsaken Refugees that were evacuated before the battle were forced to settle in Orgrimmar. The Forsaken stand adamantly as Sylvanas loyalists throughout the Fourth War , with her using her psychologically manipulative tactics to ensure they remained angry and spiteful towards the Alliance and, eventually, towards Saurfang's loyalists as well, and with her eliminating any Forsaken who attempted to break away.
The Forsaken recouped their losses by raising slain night elves into undeath. After discovering that Tyrande Whisperwind had become the Night Warrior and her forces had returned to Kalimdor to reclaim the night elves' lost lands, the Forsaken were sent to oppose them during the Battle for Darkshore. During the Fourth War, Sylvanas would employ extreme tactics such as raising Derek Proudmoore into undeath and depriving him of free will to use as a weapon against the Alliance.
Such tactics did not sit well with individuals such as Thomas Zelling since free will was what distinguished Forsaken from the Scourge. Thomas Zelling aided in Derek Proudmoore's escape to Alliance lands, which subsequently led to Sylvanas executing him for treason.
Ultimately Sylvanas betrays even the Forsaken, denouncing them, like the rest of the Horde, as 'nothing' and abandoning the majority of them. This leaves the Forsaken without a home or a leader, and now, like the rest of the Horde, they have an uncertain future of their own to find. Lilian Voss eventually stepped up to represent her people, serving as an interim representative for the Forsaken in the newly formed Horde council that would lead the Horde in place of the Warchief , though she notes she will only do so until a more viable leader steps forth to take the reins of their people's fate.
The Forsaken capital of Undercity is always awake, just like the Forsaken themselves. The city is a place of dark, somber colors, stone walkways, and steps. The Undercity has inns, forges, and businesses that cater not only to the undead, but visitors from the Horde, with whom the Forsaken have allied themselves.
There are some illuminations in the form of dim lamps and muted torches. These sources of light are not merely there to serve the living; though the undead have no true need of light, it perhaps gives Undercity's chief inhabitants a facade of some other existence.
The Forsaken navy is composed of ships dredged up from the bottom of the ocean. Most of them were once among Lordaeron 's fleets. There are some among the Forsaken who read tea leaves in order to divine the future.
According to the Deathguards , black, grey and dark purple are the prescribed colors. While most Forsaken are loyal to the Undercity and their Banshee Queen, there are different cases.
Leonid Barthalomew looks at his undeath as a malady and an illness that merely requires treatment, hence his loyalties to the Argent Crusade. Archbishop Alonsus Faol simply continued to serve the Light, becoming a true neutral member of the priestly Conclave instead of repledging loyalty to the Alliance or joining the Horde. Upon first being raised, a process called "the Gift", [31] a Forsaken does not have free will.
It takes more concentrated magic to release an undead's mind. However, some undead, especially those who die in combat or under extreme stress and are raised soon after, enter into a violent, frenzied state. Undead in this state are easily manipulated and their rage is often directed at the foes of those who raised them.
After the effects wear off, if the risen corpse has not been destroyed, they are given the same ultimatum that other Forsaken are offered: join the Dark Lady or return to the grave. Though she demands loyalty, she would not hold her agents in thrall. Each Forsaken member follow their queen for various reasons: fear, loyalty, no where else to go.
The Forsaken were strongly discouraged from revisiting places they had loved in life. Their home was no longer Lordaeron but the Undercity. Sometimes books from outside were confiscated, and it was stated that there was no need to remember their human history as only the history of the Undercity mattered.
After Sylvanas became Warchief, the Desolate Council was established to fill the power vacuum left with Sylvanas dealing with the Horde on Kalimdor. Except that, the Council was a response to these strict rules; for their needs were not being met.
They also felt that Sylvanas needed to stop forcing them to live again if they did not wish to. True death is the harshest punishment exercised in Forsaken law — in essence, an execution.
Warden Stillwater and his followers were sentenced to true death for turning some Forsaken into mindless zombies, threatening their way of life. In Thalassian , "Bash'a no falor talah! The experience when a Forsaken accepts his or her death willingly is called the Last Death. Sister Rot , a Forsaken priestess. Some still adhere to their old faiths, such as the Holy Light. Shadow priests generally do not practice openly, and not all members are Forsaken, although they formed the cult.
Priests of the Forgotten Shadow believe that the faiths they held in life have failed them. Some Forsaken priests continue to wield the Holy Light. In fact, some Forsaken with persistent contact with the Light over many years have even started to experience a return of their senses, which is not a pleasant experience given their rotted state. Scarlet Commander Marjhan also retained her paladin abilities after becoming a risen.
The Forsaken believe that without a purpose, even beasts of burden suffer in undeath. A Forsaken spellcaster tearing apart the soul of a night elf. Undercity is the home of the Forsaken. They also have control of Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest and have several towns in the regions. Though the Forsaken do not trust anyone and no one trusts them, they are members of the Horde and, for now, do their best to help their allies and placate their ambassadors.
Forsaken have even less love for the Alliance, particularly because they clash constantly with the human organization called the Scarlet Crusade. The only other Horde faction they even have a semblance of trust with is Silvermoon City and the blood elves. The Forsaken and blood elves even took control of the village of Tranquillien in the Ghostlands to fight the Scourge in the area together.
Recently, the Forsaken gained a new enemy in form of the Gilneas people. While Sylvanas is now shown to cooperate with the High King of the Alliance, old hatred with the worgen will escalate in Stormheim. Convinced that the primitive races of the Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, the Forsaken entered an alliance of convenience with the savage orcs and the proud tauren.
Their position in the faction later solidified, given that they were able to sponsor the blood elves ' entrance into the Horde. This was strained by the events at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate , in the following quests it is revealed that Grand Apothecary Putress 's actions were not very well received among most of the city's denizens.
This seems to suggest that the Forsaken consider themselves part of the Horde now, or are at least upset by the limitations his failure has placed on them.
The Forsaken appear to be more or less loyal to the Horde, [54] [55] [56] but still have their own machinations. Because of bad reputation after the events of Wrathgate, the warlock Felgrim was once attacked by two orcs.
In Direhorn Post there is Apothecary Cylla with her direct documentation and proof of an alliance between the clan and the Forsaken. It's unknown whether the pact continues after the betrayal of Varimathras and Putress and after Magatha's exile. Forsaken speak Gutterspeak , [61] also simply known as "Forsaken". Forsaken also learned Orcish.
Some Forsaken forgot how to speak Common after being raised back from their graves. The majority of Forsaken have taken new given names or surnames for themselves. They do so to mark their rebirth; to cast aside their old identities and to take pride in their new lives and the roles they play in their unified society.
Many of the other races mainly the tauren pity the Forsaken and a number of Horde healers all over Azeroth, such as Bena Winterhoof , work tirelessly in the hopes of creating a cure for undeath. As far as why the moment undead suddenly feel like they hate anything alive. Its hard to say why but I think each undead goes through things differently. Have they ever explained why the undead quickly hate the living? Community General Discussion.
Being Undead comes with amplified negative emotions such as hate, anger, grief and so on. At least I recall that being the case in old lore. Time passes slower in shadowlands.