Log in Not a member? Contact Search Sign in. Quick links. It's Glove Awareness Week — Are you glove aware? Although the wearing of gloves is intended to protect healthcare workers HCW and patients, research shows that gloves are frequently misused.
When should gloves be used? What do healthcare workers think about gloves? What do patients think about the healthcare workers wearing gloves? Conclusion — Be glove aware Gloves are frequently misused and lead to consequences opposite to their intention.
Loveday, H. J Hosp Infect, ; Flores, A. Healthcare workers' compliance with glove use and the effect of glove use on hand hygiene. There is evidence that lack of know-ledge and non-adherence to guideline recommendations are common Loveday et al, In a literature review that formed part of their study of the impact of errors in putting on and taking off PPE, Okamoto et al found evidence that these errors often lead to contamination of unprotected sites on health professionals.
Health professionals should therefore receive regular training in risk assessment, selection and use of PPE, and the use of standard infection prevention and control precautions Loveday et al, Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene and should only be used when appropriate. Their prolonged and unnecessary use may cause adverse reactions and skin sensitivity, and may lead to cross-contamination of the patient environment. Inappropriate use of gloves can also undermine hand-hygiene initiatives Royal College of Nursing, and may be distressing to patients Nicklinson, Box 1 lists indications of when to wear gloves and when to remove them.
Gloves are single-use items and must be removed and disposed of immediately after the care activity for which they have been worn; they should not be washed or decontaminated with alcohol-based handrub as a substitute for changing them between care activities.
Hands must be decontaminated after glove removal as there is evidence that hands become contaminated:. The need to wear gloves and the selection of appropriate gloves requires an assessment of the task to be performed and its related risks to patients and healthcare workers.
Risk assessment should include consideration of:. Gloves are available in a range of materials. The most commonly used is natural rubber latex NRL , due to its efficacy in protecting against bloodborne viruses and properties that maintain wearer dexterity Loveday et al, However, the proteins found in NRL gloves can cause severe allergic reactions in health professionals and patients with existing allergies, and contact dermatitis and occupational asthma in sensitised individuals.
Powdered latex gloves increase this risk and should never be used; if NRL gloves are used they should be low protein. Alcohol-Based Handrubs 5 Moments.
Wearing gloves does not replace the need for hand hygiene. When should gloves be worn? People at risk for developing a latex allergy are: Healthcare providers and others who frequently wear latex gloves. People who are often exposed to natural rubber latex. People with other allergies, such as hay fever e. Previous: Introduction to Personal Protective Equipment. Next: Gowns. Share This Book Share on Twitter. Additional Information.
Perform hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand rub and ensure that your hands are dry. Once hands are dry, select the appropriate size of gloves from the box, taking care that only the gloves required are touched. Apply gloves. Gloves are not hand-specific and no special technique is required. Adjust the gloves to cover the wrist. If a gown is worn, ensure that the cuff of the gloves is over the cuff of the gown. Complete care as required.