It is interesting to note that Adi Sankara, the founder of Advaita system of philosophy has commented on all the 12 principal Upanishads. The other major teachers of various sects of philosophical thoughts have quoted a lot from the texts of the Upanishads. Your email address will not be published. Comments One of the best explanation I ever come across Veda and Upanishad difference. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
The Vedas are a storehouse of knowledge from the God himself. They are the greatest body of knowledge ever known to mankind. They are eternal and hence are always relevant to the world. The World may undergo changes as per the times, but the ultimate Truth will not change. It is all pervading, omnipresent and omnipotent like the idea of God himself!
Due to the peculiar historical past that India had, the relevance and teaching of the Vedas became almost extinct. For centuries together, due to the rule of the invaders, we are fed with everything that is not ours.
We were made to believe the trial-and-error method. We were taught that the present western civilization is the epitome of all human learning, knowledge, progress and understanding.
We were made to study the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Mesopotamia but never about the Vedic culture, the most ancient, advanced, glorious and ever relevant culture that ever graced the planet. We made to believe that science means modern science, history means the modern history; medicine means the modern medicine as they were evolved in the west. The emphasis till date is on the empirical data and knowledge but not the complete knowledge in its purest form.
The Vedas contain everything, spiritual, scientific and intellectual knowledge. From life and death to nature's secrets. Reading the Vedas with an open mind and understanding gives one answers to questions that have no answers from the modern knowledge.
Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are the essence of Vedas. Moksha is considered the highest goal of human life.
The Upanishads are the Bible of India. They occupy the same place as the New Testament does. There are [more than] a hundred books comprising the Upanishads, some very small and some big, each a separate treatise. The Upanishads do not reveal the life of any teacher, but simply teach principles.
These are supremely authoritative. The Yajur-Veda is again divided into two parts, the Sukla and the Krishna. The Krishna or the Taittiriya is the older book and the Sukla or the Vajasaneya is a later revelation to sage Yajnavalkya from the resplendent Sun-God. Read More. Since Upanishads are a category, or a piece of the whole, of the Vedas it is similar in that it relates to one another and belongs to one another. But aside from this relation, distinctions need to be affirmed between the two concepts to keep confusion away.
As can be seen, it is a common misconception that Vedas and Upanishads are the same, yet not a completely wrong assertion. But to avoid confusion the two must be differentiated.
This can be done by underlining five major differences. It is a common mistake to use Upanishads synonymously with Vedas. This is however not an accurate assessment of the meaning behind the words. It can also be said that the Vedas are a poetic and symbolic expression of Hindu spiritual truths, while Upanishads are the expression of the philosophical truths of the Vedas. Difference Between Vedas and Upanishads. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.
MLA 8 Davids, Gabriel. Thanks for this insight. If perhaps you are not an Indian Author your efforts are appreciable. In case of Indian philosophical context of life there is lot more to be added in the direction why upanishad have had to be written. Anyways thanks a lot. I am still confused about Upanishads.
Does it mean books on Upanishads or hymes or what? This text cleared my longstanding doubts on the difference between Vedanta and Upanishads.
Thank you. I am still confused about Upanishads!