What is the difference between nfs and dfs

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Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Larger than AFS. Domain Single Domain. Multi Domain. Client Server Trust Client identity is trusted by default. Client identity is what os tells. No Kerberos Auth. Different Calls. Moreover, it needs not to establish or terminate a connection by opening a file or closing a file, repectively. For reading a directory, NFS does not use any file pointer, it uses a magic cookie. Except the opening and closing a file, there is almost one-to-one mapping between Unix system calls for file operations and the NFS protocol RPCs.

A remote file operation can be translated directly to the corresponding RPC. Though conceptu- ally, NFS adheres to the remote service paradigm, in practice, it uses buffering and caching. File blocks and attributes are fetched by RPCs and cached locally. Future remote operations use the cached data, subject to consistency constraints.

Cache Update Policy The policy used to write modified data blocks to the server's master copy has critical effect on the system performance and reliability. The simplest policy is to write through the disk as soon as they are placed on any cache.

It's advantageous because it ensures the reliability but it gives poor performance. In server site this policy is often followed. Another policy is delayed write. It does not ensure reliability. Client sites can use this policy. Another policy is write-on-close. It is a variation of delayed write. In NFS, clients use delayed write. But they don't free delayed written block until the server confirms that the data have been written on disk.

So, here, Unix semantics are not preserved. NFS does not handle client crash recovery like Unix. Since, servers in NFS are stateless, there is no need to handle server crash recovery also. Time Skew Because of differences of time at server and client, this problem occures.

This may lead to problems in performing some operations like " make ". Performance Issues To increase the reliability and system performance, the following things are generally done. DFS solutions can minimize this overhead by overlapping cached data access while fetching the next portion of data, but doing this will not always mask the network latency required to access a non-cached portion of the data. DFS systems can sometimes be complex to deploy. With data that can reside just about anywhere with hosts that can access all of it from anywhere else, getting all of this to work together properly and tuning it for high performance can be a significant challenge.

Vendor support can help considerably. DFS vendors will have professional services that can be used to help deploy and configure their systems to get them up and running in a timely fashion. Also, they will have sophisticated modeling that can tell them how much gateway, metadata, and storage resources will be required to support your performance.

It all boils down to this: DFS systems offer global access to the same data that is very difficult to accomplish effectively in any other way, especially when you have multiple sites, all computing with and consuming the same data. DFS systems can make all of this look easy and seamless, without breaking a sweat.


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