Just as important is not overcrowding the pan, which can cause the food to steam rather than fry, and the temperature of the oil to drop significantly. The terms may be used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences in the four techniques:. This method is well-suited to cooking just a few pieces at once, since you can quickly prepare and serve without having to worry about keeping things warm between batches.
For even cooking, the meat should first be brought to room temperature minutes at room temp. So pat the meat completely dry and wait until just before cooking to season with salt since salt draws out moisture.
Pan-searing, uses high heat to seal in juices by forming a delicious crust. The trick to pan-searing is making sure the pan is hot enough.
To test a pan for readiness, sprinkle a drop of water onto the pan; the water should sizzle or jump. The cooking fat butter or oil , should be heated through, but should not burn. Add the meat; do not move it until a crust has formed. Use a spatula to turn the food; be sure not to tear or break the crust.
Fried foods are cooked in fat over moderate to high heat, either by pan-frying or deep-frying. Both pan-fried and deep-fried foods are usually coated with a breading or batter to create a deliciously rich and textured crust. The best cuts for frying are of uniform size and naturally tender, such as pieces of poultry, fish and some shellfish. Despite the large amounts of fat used, properly fried foods should absorb very little oil.
A chicken that is cut into eight pieces and pan-fried, for example, should absorb less than 3 tablespoons of oil. TIP: Home cooks often find that fried foods absorb too much oil. The best way to prevent this is to keep a vigilant eye on the temperature of the cooking oil by constantly monitoring your thermometer. This may require you to turn the burner up or down, depending on how the oil is reacting. Turn up the heat slightly to raise the temperature of the oil.
Keep a few cups of room-temperature oil on hand to add to the frying oil as necessary if it gets too hot; the new oil will bring down the temperature quickly. Avoid crowding the skillet with too many pieces, which can also cause the temperature to fall too much or too quickly.
As you use any cooking oil, its smoke point or ability to withstand heat will drop. If you are frying multiple batches, you can run into problems once the oil you are frying with is no longer fresh usually by the second or third batch. The simplest solution is to have a second pan of oil ready to turn on when the oil in the first one is spent.
Another problem occurs when pieces of coating fall off during frying; those floating bits blacken and degrade the cooking oil. Skim out any blackened bits after each batch, to keep them from sticking to successive batches. To keep the coating in place, avoid overcoating the food, as thick layers tend to fall off in the skillet. Email required. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment.
There is no need to resubmit your comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Written by : allana. User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages. Summary of differences expressed in points 1. Latest posts by allana see all. This entry was written on August 1st, by Jameela Beevi. Posted in Food techniques and was last revised on September 10th, I started cooking in after my marriage.
I love to prepare and eat tasty foods. My favorites include French pastries, homemade ice creams, Indian food, and anything made with meat Jameela Beevi. More interesting articles! Whereas "faire revenir" in a wok is very frequently used.
But I don't really know the dfce in French between "faire revenir" and "faire sauter" which was suggested earlier on. It seems to me that it's very very similar. Any clues? In addition to all these helpful explanations, I have a suggestion which may work for '"stir-fried cooking" in certain contexts.
MomSince78 New Member English. To pan fry somthing is to put oil, butter, etc. After it is heated, you put food in pan, such as egg, hamburger, steak, etc. You continue to do this until food it cook through. Stir fry is usual done in a wok, but can also be done in a frying pan.
You use a small amount of oil, etc. Stir frying, you have to keep the food moving. I was wondering when and how we got from "fried" to "pan fried"? In response to post chips are deep fried in oil which is re-used many times.