Learn More About polygamy. Time Traveler for polygamy The first known use of polygamy was in See more words from the same year. Style: MLA. English Language Learners Definition of polygamy. Medical Definition of polygamy. Legal Definition of polygamy. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Congress sought to close the distinction again in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of , but that legislation was declared unconstitutional in City of Boerne v.
Flores The exact status of the distinction is now not clear. While the 19th century cases on polygamy were originally directed toward the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , the arrival of many new cultures engaging in this marital practice may yet again force the Court to confront not only whether banning it violates the free exercise of religion but also if proscribing monogamy is an endorsement of specific religious belief.
In recent years, individuals have continued to challenge or defend themselves from state laws criminalizing polygamy. In State v. The U. Supreme Court denied review. Some Supreme Court decisions relative to the right of privacy could provide a basis for liberalizing laws relative to polygamy, at least in cases where all individuals involved entered the relationships knowingly and consensually.
The raid in Texas on a polygamous sect suggests that the issue over polygamy and the First Amendment may continue well into the 21st century.
This article was originally published in In some countries, including countries in northern Africa and the Middle East, polygamy is legal. In other countries, polygamy is illegal but not a criminal offense. In other countries, like the United States, polygamy is illegal and criminalized. In other words, they are different kinds of nonmonogamous relationship structures, as they involve one or more people having multiple partners. When it comes to polyamory and consensual nonmonogamy in general, there are many reasons why people would want a nonmonogamous relationship.
Nonmonogamy has multiple benefits. Some people are able to love multiple people at the same time. The difference between polyamory and cheating is consent. If you overstep those boundaries, it could be considered cheating. Having an open relationship involves allowing your partner to have sex with other people.
Swinging usually involves couples swapping sexual partners. All relationships have their challenges — including polyamorous ones.
The truth is that monogamy is only one way to have a relationship. There are plenty of other relationship dynamics out there. So put it the other way: there are no laws explicitly prohibiting polygamy.
Polygamy is simply a matter of wealth and arrangement, and women are purchased and treated like slaves. Polygamy has been established among the Tartars of every age. What can be said to the practices of polygamy and concubinage, which prevailed even in these golden times and in pious families? Polygamy is retained at this day among the Turks, and throughout every part of Asia in which Christianity is not professed.
If we cannot justify monogamy by the facts of life, we shall declare ourselves for polygamy. The practice of having several wives or husbands at the same time.