Should i put patents on my resume

Put down just enough information to sound confident and reliable, and it could turn a mediocre interview into a very impressive one! Including patents in the experience section is a good way to show that you are a driven employee who will work for the betterment of the company. Coming up with new ideas is a skill, and leadership is a quality which any company will seek out.

Here is how to best list patents as part of your employment experience:. Assistant Manager — Human Resources Department. As you can see, the description for the patent is much shorter in this section. It looks clean and professional, and is particularly suited to resumes which may be longer. Saving space on an impressive resume helps the person reviewing it not get bored. This also increases your chances that the employer will read all of the information.

If the patent application is processing but is not yet approved, it is still an excellent idea to list it in either section. Make sure that you include the application number, as well as the date that you applied for the patent. For its own section, the formatting would look like the following:.

As a bullet point beneath an employment experience, it would look like this:. Your patent will probably be rejected if it is too similar to a present patent, and you will lose the application fee. A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. For an invention to be patentable, it does not need to be the most efficient, effective, or perfected form of a particular use whether it is a medication, a piece of software code, or a machine.

It merely needs to work as described. If your invention is patentable, you need to file for a provisional patent right away. If your invention is not patentable, make sure you have potential customers sign a Nondisclosure Agreement NDA. It is the inventor who has the right to apply for a patent for an invention.

However, the right to apply for a patent can be transferred to another person — physically or legally assignment. The applicant referred to in a patent application can, therefore, be one or more people or companies.

You can file a patent application on behalf of yourself or your co-inventors. Alternatively, you can hire a registered patent agent or attorney to file your application for you. Patent applications require both legal and technical expertise and even small mistakes can dramatically compromise the value of the patent.

Who can apply for a patent? A patent application can be filed either by true and first inventor or his assignee, either alone or jointly with any other person. However, legal representative of any deceased person can also make an application for patent. A good patent attorney must have strong technical, legal and communication skills. A patent is important because it can help safeguard your invention.

It can protect any product, design or process that meets certain specifications according to its originality, practicality, suitability, and utility. In most cases, a patent can protect an invention for up to 20 years. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Patents expire because allowing them to last for too long places a constraint on others who want to improve upon existing technology. Current patent law allows inventors to recoup their investment and profit from their invention without slowing down innovation.

Eventually, patents do expire. While a patent will remain in force for a period of time, eventually it is considered to be no longer in effect. The patented invention then becomes freely usable by others. Patent terms, if maintained correctly, vary but generally go for up to 20 years.

Extending Your Patent. Get a term adjustment. If you filed your patent after May 29, and your patent was delayed because the USPTO was taking longer than normal to process the paperwork, you may be eligible to file for an extension. The extension will cover the time lost from your patent term for the delay.

You can buy an expired patent by performing a patent search through the USPTO website more on this later and checking to see if the patent has expired. Once you find a patent that has expired and you want to buy, you can go ahead and contact the patent owner to negotiate purchasing the patent.

An expired patent no longer affords the inventor or patent owner any protection. The expiration of a patent simply means that the owner of that patent can no longer sue anybody for using the inventions claimed in the patent.

When the patent expired, the copyright and trademark in the game remained in place. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Resume Should I put patents on my resume? Ben Davis June 1, Do note that even though you are the last author and if you did wrote it as FirstAuthor et.

Maybe you could go with something like: Worked on the Invention and patent of product Foo, while laboring on company Bar Co. During interviews or other follow ups, you can specify more details if necessary like authors involved, etc. Also, make sure you have clearance or authorization to include that information on your resume, so you don't conflict with any clauses or legal terms involved with that specific patent and the company and other authors involved.

As others have said, there's no point listing the other people on the patent. They're not applying for this job. They are irrelevant.

Why can't you say "et al"? Or maybe something slightly wordier, like "along with others" or "part of the team that" or whatever fits with how your resume is worried.

It is probably best to say something to indicate that you are not the sole owner of the patent, just to avoid someone thinking you were trying to exaggerate your role. But this can be done with 2 or 3 words. The point of a resume is to sell yourself. Emphasize the positive. Acknowledge limitations so no one can accuse you of lying but don't dwell on them.

Most patents have a primary contributor who came up with the original idea and others helped to may be refine the idea. So I believe it's important to mention the list of inventors in the same order it appears in the patent.

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