A recently dethatched yard is ripe for aeration. If you mow, dethatch, and aerate, your entire lawn is in the perfect condition for overseeding.
So, a thin layer of compost spread over your lawn will quickly lose most of its fertilizing power. There is a solution though. If your lawn was recently aerated it has thousands of tiny holes. You can spread compost over a recently aerated lawn to fill these holes and inject nitrogen-rich fertilizer into the soil. The compost will fill the aeration holes to funnel nutrients in the soil.
Excess compost on the top of your grass seeds will keep them protected from drying out. It is perfectly safe to fertilize after overseeding your lawn. In fact, applying a specialized lawn starter fertilizer will increase the number of grass seedlings that survive to adulthood. For best results, apply a starter fertilizer within 3 days over overseeding. This will contribute to a lush lawn. The sooner you spread a lawn starter fertilizer on your yard, the sooner it will begin to feed your grass seedlings.
You can fertilize your lawn before or after overseeding. Both tactics work to feed your new grass seed. This means you can spread your starter fertilizer a few days before you lay down your seed or a few days after. Both are far more beneficial for a healthy lawn than going without fertilizer. If you want to make your seeding and fertilizing processes more efficient, you can spread your grass seed and lawn starter simultaneously.
Simply measure out the correct amount of seed and fertilizer for the square footage you are overseeding, mix the fertilizer and seed thoroughly, and add them both to this lawn spreader.
Make sure to spread the seed and fertilizer evenly across your lawn, following an east-west pattern followed by a north-south pattern for proper coverage. These fertilizers are mixed with pre-emergent herbicide that kills all plant seeds as they sprout, including your grass. Lawn starter fertilizers are formulated without any added herbicide. Fill a hand-held rotary or push-type drop spreader and apply the seed to the lawn according to the manufacturer's directions.
Overseeding requires one half of the grass seed that would be needed for seeding a new lawn. Water immediately after spreading the seed. If you didn't apply starter fertilizer before spreading the fescue seed, it's not too late. It doesn't really matter if you fertilize or overseed first.
Simply apply the starter fertilizer after overseeding the lawn. Water the lawn lightly, twice daily at first, while the grass seeds germinate. Keep everyone off the lawn so the new grass has time to become established. Leave the clippings on the grass.
Fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer using a spreader, four to eight weeks after the fescue germinates. Walk the spreader across the lawn in one direction and then again perpendicular to the first application. Sweep any loose granules on the sidewalk or driveway back onto the grass. Water thoroughly after applying the fertilizer. Ruth de Jauregui is an old-school graphic artist and writer who focuses primarily on garden topics. In the south, fall is your only chance to overseed.
Before you begin, you need to prepare your lawn. Start by mowing, if necessary. The grass should be two inches tall or lower.
Collect the grass clippings and rake up any moss, leaves, or other material that could prevent the grass seeds from reaching the soil. Next, aerate your lawn. Aerating means creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass.
This process encourages root development and loosens soils, creating a better environment for grass to grow. There are a few ways to aerate. Core aeration involves using a machine with hollow tubes that remove soil plugs out of the Earth. Some are motorized and can be rented at most equipment rental stores, and some are non-motorized and can be found at most home and garden centers.
Spike aerators are similar, but instead of pulling plugs of soil out of the ground, they poke holes into the ground.