Log in or Sign up. PoxNora Forums. Apps game Rage of Bahamut. I play this. My account is iowa I have a referral code too but I dont know how fortunite I will be as for someone to use it. I dont advertise much like that but here it is anyways: kzk After playing for about 30min, I'm finding it hard to see the appeal of this game. Aside from its clunky UI how do I do basic things like view my level or buy other cards , there doesn't see to be anything to do except grinding quest for cards and "fighting" other people.
Speaking of fighting other people, why does it simply say "You Won! Am I skipping something by accident? These are all opinions and could most likely be disputed for one reason or another. You can power level to 6 without any stops if you place all your points in stamina that's without even adding fellows, which give you a 5 point bonus each , and you could probably get to level 20 in a single day, just don't plan on doing any serious attacking and you'll be a real easy target if people select you in the battle screen.
Just remember, the faster you level, the quicker you'll get regular access to better cards. Personally, I think you should have at least enough to use your 5 best defenders preferably enhanced too. Getting attacked during normal game might not mean more than losing some rupies and maybe a treasure, but during events like Holy Wars that just passed, high level characters with little to no defense were easy targets and big liabilities to Orders trying to place high in the ranking, and an Order having a strong defense leader was huge.
The more different cards you have at one point or another, the more cards you'll be able to carry due to the archive bonus. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Rage of Bahamut Anyone wanna team up in new event? User Info: IGN-doublejet.
Does it matter you have to be same realm or does it depend on all fellows you have? Anyone want to add me please leave me a support ign Rinoalionheart. If my fellow list full don't worry lol I'll delete unactive fellows and add you : If the event is like Roar of the Dragons, then realm won't matter. If the dragon was not beat, then your fellows had the option of attacking the dragon as well until it was defeated.
So the realm of fellows won't matter. What matters is whether your fellows are active and whether you want to actually use HP before the golems disappear.
Feel free to add me. IGN Godzilla I was going to add you but your full lol. Yeah that's what I heard the event will be like and that 1 hour boss wonder how that's going to be.
User Info: V3N0M During this event players will quest until a boss randomly appears. This occurs in a similar fashion to a chest appearing, but is a boss instead.
Once this boss appears you will be able to fight it using your deck. If you are unable to beat the boss with your deck, you will then be given the option to summon allies who can aid you in defeating the boss. After the boss is defeated yourself and allies who contributed will be awarded cards. Doing well in this event is very different from doing well in Tears of the Moon. Clear Waters: Since bosses are summoned via questing there will be times when no boss is up and you are out of stamina to use to summon one.
This is the use of Clear Water. It gives you greater control over the time bosses are summoned.