Down below Y-Level 0 you'll find all the usual ores, including Diamonds, embedded in Deepslate blocks instead of regular Stone blocks. If you're playing Minecraft 1. So you'll find the most Diamonds in 1. While not quite as strong as Netherite tools, Diamond tools are essential if you want to progress in any Minecraft world or server.
Just make sure that you keep an eye out for the Warden when The Wild Update arrives! Diamond Ore can only be mined with an Iron Pickaxe or better. As mentioned earlier, Diamonds are less common in open spaces like caves, which means to maximise your chances of finding Diamonds in Minecraft you should strip-mine in straight lines in all directions.
The best method for mining Diamonds in Minecraft 1. Then, start to mine out to either side in more 2x1 tunnels, leaving a 2-block gap between each new tunnel. Once you're satisfied you've strip-mined all diamonds on that level, repeat the whole process at level If you dig at both level 6 and level 10, then you'll be able to see all Diamonds that spawn between levels , which as we've discussed are the levels where you're most likely to find Diamonds.
For Minecraft 1. After crafting the enchanting table, small enchantments are possible, but to get Fortune, let alone Fortune III — the table's power must be boosted with bookshelves.
See the Enchanting article for details of how to arrange those. In order to get Fortune III on an iron or diamond pickaxe the player need to consume much experience points per attempt, so a mob farm is handy for accumulating XP. While advanced methods are possible, it's fairly easy to build the experience by simply camping at a suitably modified dungeon. It should be noted that other things give players experience too; between mining, breeding animals, and fishing, a player might well get to level 30 or higher by the time they've built a table.
The player also needs a fair bit of lapis lazuli , 3 pieces for the "final" attempt, and from 1 to 3 pieces for each try at resetting the enchanting table. Alternatively, a player can "build" a Fortune III pick on an anvil by combining two items with the more common lesser enchantment Fortune II.
Fortune II can itself be obtained by combining two items with Fortune I, which can sometimes be found for sale from a Librarian.
Also, the Fortune I or II pickaxes can be used to obtain more coal, redstone, and lapis lazuli while waiting to level up again. However, due to the limitations on the number of times a tool can be worked on an anvil, combining Fortune I and II pickaxes leads to a Fortune III pickaxe with less overall longevity.
A master or journeyman villager could sell the player an enchanted iron or diamond pickaxe with Fortune I or II though the chances of getting such a pickaxe are low and could take a while. Even after all this building and grinding, it's by no means guaranteed to get the desired enchantment.
If Silk Touch is obtained instead, that can be used to collect diamond ore instead of gems. When a few diamonds say, for a diamond sword are required, the player can always place that many blocks and use another pickaxe to mine them, but save the rest of the ore for when a Fortune pickaxe is available.
The player can see the enchantment to be granted, and more enchantments may be granted on that pick, so if it says Fortune III, enchant it as soon as possible. Players don't need to worry if they don't have enough levels, the enchantment stays the same until it is used. Remember, the player needs thirty levels for a level enchantment, but it costs only three.
Choosing one of the lower tiers, it costs only 1 or 2 levels. If the table doesn't offer any of the desired enchantments, the player must enchant something to get a new selection. If one of the enchantments on offer is halfway interesting that is, it might be useful later , players might then enchant it onto an iron pick or a book.
Alternatively, players can do a one-level minimum enchantment on a junk item like a wooden shovel. They can then use a grindstone to reclaim some of the experience used for the enchantment. Eventually, the player should have up to 3 main pickaxes, which can be created with a combination of enchanting table, enchanted books, and anvil:.
That can help extend mining trips with non-enchanted tools. An anvil combines two identical equipment and their enchantments together, while doing it in a crafting menu loses all enchantments. Durability also combined, enchanted or not And depending on the target's enchantment level, it can get very expensive. An anvil can also repair equipment if so needed by sacrificing experience and equipment material. However, if a piece of equipment is repaired too many times with its material, it gets ridiculously expensive.
To resolve this simply combine the target equipment with a piece of enchanted identical equipment, in which the enchant level should be as low as possible, in order to lower the experience needed.
The dupe equipment could come from the player or from villager trading. A crafting-grid repair wipes enchantments, making way for a higher enchantment if the player needs it, but it is recommended to use a grindstone to gain some experience back. Repairing armor on an anvil with regular diamonds also uses fewer diamonds, but costs experience. A more permanent, less experience intensive method of repairing tools is to use the Mending enchantment on a pickaxe to repair it with experience points, which can be gained from an experience farm.
A Mending enchantment can be applied to the pickaxe by acquiring a Mending book from trading, fishing, or by looting End City chests, which has a chance of containing a pickaxe already enchanted with Mending. Minecraft Wiki. Minecraft Wiki Explore. Main Page All Pages. Minecraft Minecraft Earth Minecraft Dungeons.
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Diamonds are easily the most sought after item in Minecraft , but how can you find them in-game?