Activity Zone Activity Zone. Our Stories Our Stories. Discover Girl Scouts. Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities!
Become a Volunteer Become a Volunteer. Alums Alums. Learn how to get involved with Girl Scouts. Join a troop, find events, become a volunteer, or discover alum opportunities. Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Cookie flavors, try delicious recipes, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. Invest Invest. Advocacy Advocacy. Support Girl Scouts by donating nationally or to your local council, becoming a lifetime member, and advocating for girls.
For Volunteers For Volunteers. Resources for Girl Scout members. Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. Explore badges, activities, and more. Every Daisy meeting is an adventure filled with sisterhood, giggles, learning, and fun. Together with other Junior Girl Scouts, you can put your skills to use improving your community—and earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award in the process.
Girl Scout Seniors. When you create a plan and put it into action to make sustainable improvements in your community and beyond, you can earn the Girl Scout Gold Award. Brownies are excitement personified. Trying new things broadens your horizons and teaches you skills you can share with others. Learning to lead has never been so fun. As a Girl Scout, you'll:. The world sparkles as you do lots of things for the first time!
Daisies start with the basics—gaining new friends, earning skill-building Petals and badges as you embrace the Girl Scout Promise and Law, exploring the outdoors—and build upon your successes each year.
Learn more about what Daisies can do! You are ready to take on the world, and Girl Scouting lets you do just that! As a Brownie, you can explore the world, meet new people, and do something big that makes you feel great! You might go on your first hike in the great outdoors; visit a science museum; band together as a mighty Brownie team to start a cookie business—and use some of the money to help others. You will earn Journey Awards to build leadership skills and earn badges to explore science, health, art, and more.
Learn more about what Brownies can do! You are a real-life superhero who wakes up every day ready to play a new role! You can be an explorer at summer camp, a CEO when you market and sell cookies, a scientist when you do energy audits, or a product designer when you earn your Innovation badge.
Learn more about what Juniors can do! You can blaze new trails in the wilderness, write and direct your own movies, or pick up tools to do some woodworking. Earning the Girl Scout Silver Awardwill demonstrate that you are an organized and determined leader—and that you are dedicated to improving your community. Learn more about what Cadettes can do! You are ready to take the world by storm—and Girl Scouts will give you millions of ways to do it!
You might explore career paths, connect with women leaders, and begin to build your networks.