Haha this seems to be how most of them work! I think it would have been very useful. Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard.
Love your honesty and you were so comical about it. I so love a refreshingly honest review. Keep up the good work. I will be watching your posts from now on. How funny and sad! It looked so silly in that pan just stirring the same spot over and over again.
This is hilarious! My husband wants to buy one. Thanks for the warning! Yeah right… Although, when I see these infomercials, it makes me want to buy it to try… Just for the sake of trying, because they always make them look magical!
I just need to know! Ok, a vibrator on lil legs. That is all I could see when I first saw this product being hawked. In the trial runs the legs kept falling off. So good they are staying on…now it is just the lil feet.
So what is your next use for it? Very interesting. However, I am glad you found another use for it. Also glad to see you putting the kid to work at an early age!
Thanks for the post. I knew it had to be too good to be true! LOL And oh yes… those pajama jeans. Are people really buying them? RoboStir Fail, indeed. I hope you at least get your money back. I guess Anthony Sullivan is just so trustworthy! Although I am sorry you wasted your money. Thanks for trying this out. I was going to get one. The commercial looked so exciting. My husband is an infomercial junkie and keeps saying I should get this. Not at all what they claim.
Your such a good sport thought to laugh about it. It does make a funny story. And, seriously, thank you for posting this, because I am so easily sucked in by infomercials that I have allllmost bought the Robostir numerous times.
LOL — at least you tried it out before me! Well, that was very interesting. That would have ruined a good sauce or some teeth if it was covered up! My worst purchase was the Magic Bullet. I bought that epi-off thing, which was a complete waste of money.
Oh dear, lol! I was fully expecting a big kitchen mess, not it falling completely apart. I hope you sent it back. That is the worst performance of any as seen on tv tool ever. I guess I an happy with my snuggie, lol. One thing I did get was the Windshield Wonder…not too shabby. The Fushigi ball however, was given to us as an Xmas present… talk about a joke!
Looks like this is another one of those products! What a great product…. I could use a back rub! I like your new use for the robo stir. Craziest thing ever! I hope you wrote them back for a full refund.. What a bummer!! Sorry to hear it fell apart on you!!
WOW…that gadget is more than a little disturbing yet extremely funny at the same time. So glad you were able to put it to good use afterall. This was such a funny, but informative post! I guess this is the reason why I tend to steer away from infomercial products!
What a piece of junk! I love the difference between the commerical and how it really worked! OMG i havent seen the commercial for this product but wow they try to come up with anything to sell i really enjoyed the video it gave me a good laugh. Why are we always convinced by TV that we need useless stuff.
This is hysterical. Thanks for the honest review. I can picture my husband shaking his head if I ever bought this—I too am a sucker for infomercials! Thanks for sharing.. When I first saw this on TV I had to laugh and thought who in their right mind would buy that? I love your infomercial addiction and follow-up reviews! Oh my goodness! I had to laugh at the thing falling apart after the first use LOL. I seriously considered buying one of these.
After watching your video, I will not even waste my money. I resist, always! That just blew my mind with how terrible of a product it is! God I love the internet! Sucker born every minute! I see that commercial all the time and wondered if it really worked. My older boys were begging for this! LOL It does look interesting and maybe with a few more modifications could work. I had to LOL at the piece falling off though.
That was good. Oh how disappointing! I was really hoping that this would be a glowing review! Not that I need anything to make me less lazy than I already am, haha. Can you please test out pajama pants too??? I needed a laugh today. Thank you! So sorry it did not live up to your expectations.
Pajama Jeans, however, are oh-so-tempting. I just saw them at Wal-Mart last night. Must remember not to walk past the As Seen on TV shelf ever again. That stinks! Those infomercials really make you think they will solve problems. Hopefully you can get a refund:. I had been wondering how that lil thing would do. I almost ordered the robo stir, and I just ordered a pair of pajama jeans! Thanks for this article! I was wondering how that was going to work.
That is ridiculous! Thanks for the laugh…. That is too funny, and it is great that you got it on video! Some of the infomercial items can be quite good. I have bought some of them once they have come out in the stores. I guess some of them though are not so great.
I bet you girls had a good laugh though. Oh my gosh, that is too funny!! So sorry it was such a let down. Can you get your money back? My husband and I always make jokes about the crazy infomercials we see, but I can always see why people fall for them. They are so cleverly marketed! Next time I get a hankering to try out a product I see on tv…. Oh well! I have to admit to falling for the PJ Jean infomercial, had to return them, surprise, not what they appeared to be. My husband and I thought that looked neat and wondered if it would work…now we know…!
This reminds me of how much my son wanted the Pocket Chair. Blessings, Kristine the4mproject comcast. OMG that is hysterical! I often watch them, want everything I watch and rarely buy. It looks like it works so well in the commercials…oh well! Glad you found a new use for it! Hope you get your money back! OMG what a piece of junk! Thanks for letting us know as that is something I might of wanted to try.
I have a Slice o Matic here to review and as soon as I figure all of it out besides the one way of slicing I will do my review…. May post with yours here LOL! Thanks for sharing and for the laugh! I love new gadgets and infomercials are a definite way to find some new ones.
I was wondering how the robo stir was. I was hoping it did, oh well! Get a good back massage out of it anyway. That was so funny! I occasionally get the itch for an infomercial product, but I think you just scared me off for good! Oh my gosh. And my money is that my 3 year old would eat one of the feet. Have to say I have not seen this infomercial before, but the results of your test are hilarious.
That is sooooo bad! Thanks for taking one for the team! I always wondered if it worked and now I know. Soooo glad I never bought one of those! How do they make it work so good on the commercials I wonder! Who thinks up these products?! I am so glad I came across this! Thanks so much! Even though the review cracked me up, I hope you got a refund!
Have you tried the Xpress Redi Set Go? I do appreciate you blogging about it so we could all enjoy the ridiculousness though! Good god, what a piece of crap! Oh wait…! Funny…but sad too! How do they keep getting away with advertising them? Glad you found a good use for it though!!! Did you get back your money? I try to click you link about the Fierce Beaver and got a error.
Page not found. Just thought you should know. I love the alternate use for the Robo Stir! So funny! Thanks for the blog. Too bad it was at your expense! My husband and I saw that commercial together a few nights ago and had very different reactions.
He who can make pancakes. And sometimes pancakes. While you could have been stirring and moving on to something else. Someone in China is laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks so much for your review. You have to wonder how people can sell that stuff and still sleep at night. Although, I still kinda want a Sham-Wow…. Thanks for a good laugh! All the hype — it really looked like something useful — you buy it and BOOM! Absolute FAIL! Thanks for sharing and informing us about the ineffective junk that can be bought from an infomercial.
I have never been one to order from the TV.. Sorry you had to order to find out this stuff is al Junk.. I want to know who in Europe is shelling out 40 bucks for this thing. They must be selling them on the streets to tourists. What garbage! I have never bought anything from an Infomercial before, lol.. But I know they are mighty tempting sometimes. Hahaha this is too funny!
Too bad about the quality of the Robo Stir though. While reading the post I half expected its robo parts to fly and send the foodie things all over the place. That is too funny! Sorry you wasted your money on junk. At least now you have a semi-effective back massager. My son is an infomercial junkie. Wow that was funny! I actually kinda wanted one while watching infomercial too! Thanks for the review!
If anyone i know ever mentions buying this i will send them a link to your site for sure! I think its no mistake these commercials come on when we should be sleeping. Thanks for the review.
I saw the Robo Stir advertized and wondered why I would ever need one. At least you found a good use for it. And your ultimate use for it is priceless. I love it!!!!! Thank you for the laugh! Nice — funny! Can I be next in line for a massage?? Last infomercial purchase I made was the toothpaste dispenser — thought it would be perfect for my 4 kids. First use and it plugged it up and the toothpaste subsequently went all over the place every time the kids used it.
Why do I bother? I think I saw something like this on the Iron Chef America! Thanks for posting this video. Very funny! My dad has the same problem with buying gadgets he sees on tv or online. He always buys two and sends me one, or 8 inherit them when he tires of them. At least you got a back massager out of it! I was thinking how awesome it would be if I could put that in my pasta sauce. I hope they improve on it cause it really looks like it could be a great product….
Ha ha ha! Oh my goodness gracious, that is just too darn funny! My mom has seen this advertised and often considered buying it. Thank goodness you had the forethought to record this epic failure for all the blogosphere to see! And we so humbly thank you for it….
Haha wow. That is an even greater fail than I would have expected. We have a lot of infomercial products over here. Most are barely worth their retail value if that but the one gem is the Ninja Kitchen Prep.
That is truly hilarious. I just saw the commercial for this a week ago and thought has anyone really ordered that. Now I know! I always wondered if that really worked! My Mom always buys stuff like this…. I better tell her not to this time! Thanks for your honest review and video to prove! OMG this had me cracking up! You post was outlined perfectly, I watched the infomercial and seriously wanted one really bad! Then I watched your video…omg that is the biggest fail ever. Rofl… too funny!
Now I am almost panicked, my Mom gave me one of hers, she did the 2 for 1 deal for the robo stir. When I looked in on him using it and went back to work on the blog, he finished making ice cream, funny thing is we had little bits of what I swore were scrambled eggs in the ice cream! WOW — a whole 45 seconds, lol. Why is it those things always look soooooooooooo handy on TV?
And yet… Thanks for the laugh! Oh my word! Thank you for saving me from a massive headache. Your video cracked me up!! Even my little boys had to come watch it…hehehe.
Sucks it did not work, it sounded so cool…oh well, at least you got a back massage out of it! Will you write them or call them at all? I will almost feel like I need to! Excellent test of three product! I think this is pretty neat, I remember seeing it on TV for the first time, and thought wow that could save me some time and less burnt sauces!
I thought I needed one of these things too! OMG — best. I got a ton of good laughs for free and bought two products. Thanks for the giggle ladies:. Thanks for the laugh! It was really funny when the stirrer part fell off in the pan. Oh no! Oh my goodness, how ridiculous! And to think I almost bought one of these, lol!
My sister and I are suckers for these things but thanks to this hilarious video, not this time! Thanks for the heads up! Do I dare ask what labor-saving device will be created next? How about a Robo Butter Spreader for people who are too lazy to butter their toast? Ohhhh I can see myself wearing my snuggy robe, making dinner using my pet rock to save my page in the cookbook…….
I need that robo stir…. Connie G. That is horrible! What if only peice fell off and you were unaware and choked on it! Trying not to laugh. Plus it seems like if your stove or house was not completely level it would favor one side of the pan as it did with yours! Wow, that last picture was TOO funny! This makes me want to start buying ALL of the infomercial products, to test drive at home, and do some great video reviews like this!!
Thanks for the honest review! Yep, I used to be victim to the infomercial too! Like the video says it can be an extra hand where you need it. I could see myself using this product for something light though.
But I wonder how well it would work with a thick sauce or something sticky? Haha, Paddy, I agree. Laziness is definitely a motivator if you are out to buy this product for your kitchen. Ever since this product came out, I thought it was so ridiculous. I have seen commercials for it on television and I have also seen it in stores. How many things do you have cooking at the same time in an average household that you would actually think a device like this would come in handy?
And how much do you trust leaving your food on the stove unattended for long periods of time without risking burning it? I would also be worried about the materials that it is made of, as cheap materials that are toxic can leach into the hot food. This is just exactly the way this should be used. It should have been advertised as a product that helps you keep hands free in the kitchen.
It is bad for anything else though. If the paddles are too tight, they vibrate tomato sauce all over the place as it did in my experience.
It was more to clean afterwards than anything else. The Robostir is essentially a cheaper, scaled-down version of a hand mixer. If you do a lot of cooking in the kitchen, you need some sort of product like this.
Stirring and whipping foodstuffs to prepare a delicious meal can leave your wrist aching, especially if you are a chef who prizes a light, airy mixture, whether making an omelet or a cake. If you can find this in a store or a seen-on-TV mall kiosk, buy it there and save the shipping. It is basically a vibrator with little paddles and it skitters around the pan and does keep things from scorching or congealing. This is crazy! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time.
Skip to content Average Rating: 0. The silicone pads at the end of those legs are always a nice touch to have too. That is partially why those stirrers are more expensive than the RoboStir. Some top reviews of this verified purchase from the United States have recommended to try this and to please make sure you have a compatible pot or pan before buying it.
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