In , my husband and I set off on our first big adventure. We bought and lived in a car for three months as we drove around Western Europe. That trip opened my eyes to how important it is to travel.
And living in the back of a car, with very little money, proved to me that experiences are more important than things. I believe travel in any form is something that everyone should do as often as they can. Life is short, and the world is big! When you leave your little corner of the world you remember just how wonderful the rest of it is. Go out and experience the world. Traveling helps you discover who you are. Seeing new places and meeting different people allows you to discover who you really are.
Taking some time for yourself can help you rediscover what truly makes you happy. Traveling is great for personal growth. Traveling to unknown places especially alone can be nerve-wracking, but you know what they say, life begins at the end of your comfort zone! Pushing yourself to do things you never thought you would or could is the best way to prove to yourself just how amazing you are. After I left university my sole focus was to get a good job with a good salary and eventually move to London to pursue my career.
I thought this was what I was supposed to do now that I had a degree. I thought this was what I wanted. But after about six months of living back at home and desperately trying to get any type of work experience or internship, I met my husband and everything changed. We went traveling and it totally changed my perspective on life.
I no longer cared about getting the best salary or fighting my way up the career ladder. It is a lesson that this life is real, and that what you do does matter. Traveling helps you enrich your own personal history. Traveling is about more than history; traveling is about enriching your own life. As you grow old, you will be grateful for the days that you took to travel and try new things. Be adventurous and feed your soul with memories and good times.
Traveling will teach you that you live the life you want to live. As you travel, you will meet and see many new people. There are artists, chefs, bakers, business owners, marketers, moms, and everything in between. There are so many options; you just have to look perhaps a little harder. Life at home can often be very routine.
Day in and day out, you often accomplish the same mundane tasks, complete replica workout routines, and just do exactly what you do every day. Traveling seems to toss routines out of the window.
Other than that, you can go through your days deciding things with the toss of a coin, or by being tempted by the smell of a luscious bakery that you walk by. You can live in the moment and just be there; travel. At Live Infinitely, we are lovers of travel.
We yearn to take adventures all the time. Top 5 health benefits of travelling How exactly does travelling affect your health? Decreases stress This one may be obvious. Travelling is a great way to stay healthy in body, mind and soul. Lowers risk of depression While travelling is no way a substitute for medical care when it comes to mental health, it can help contribute to a healthy mental state. Boosts your immune system Being exposed to strange environments and elements makes your immune system stronger.
Expands your mind Travelling opens your mind. Connect more with people The more you travel, the more people you get to meet. Meet like-minded travellers and make life-long friends on group tours! Strengthen relationships and bond with loved ones One of the best ways to spend quality time with anyone is during a trip to a foreign place.
Discover more about yourself There is a lot of room to grow and learn more about yourself once you step out of your comfort zone. Travel teaches you to live in the moment and make memories that last a lifetime. Previous Next. Anil kumar seth says:. May 29, at PM. June 1, at PM. Have a great day! Join the Expat Explore family! You're now part of the Expat Explore family! Unfortunately we encountered an error, please try again Try Again. Facebook Messenger.
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