But the church or kingdom of Christ among men rests organically and constitutionally upon a foundation of apostolic authority, for the apostles were the mouthpieces of the Holy Spirit; but in this apostolic foundation the other apostles had equal rights, each one of them becoming a living foundation stone as soon as his faith led him to make a like confession with Simon Peter.
Hence we find the apostle Paul asserting the superior authority of the apostles to all other Christian teachers and workers 1 Corinthians , and times without number asserting his apostolic office and authority-- 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians ; 2 Corinthians ; ; Galatians Galatians ; Ephesians ; Philippians This office was, of course, given to Peter in a secondary sense, since it must ever belong to Christ in a primary sense Revelation The figure of key-bearer is taken from Isaiah In fixing the terms of admission, he also fixed the terms of exclusion, for all who are not admitted are excluded.
The keys as used by Peter have never been changed; that is to say, the terms of admission abide forever. Plurality of keys is merely part of the parabolic drapery, since cities were accustomed to have several gates, thus requiring a plurality of keys.
The kingdom was not opened to Jews and Gentiles by different keys, since both were admitted on the same terms. The words "bind" and "loose" were commonly used among the Jews in the sense of forbid and allow.
Abundant instances of this usage have been collected by Lightfoot. In this sense the word for loose, is used very many times in the New Testament, but it is translated by the word break or broken Matthew ; John ; The power here given to Peter was soon after extended to the rest of the apostles Matthew The apostles were to lay down, as they afterward did, the organic law of the new kingdom, defining what things were prohibited and what permitted.
Their actions in this behalf would of course be ratified in heaven, because they were none other than the acts of the Holy Spirit expressed through the apostles. Their heads were full of wrong ideas with regard to Christ's work and office, and had they been permitted to teach about him, they would have said that which it would have been necessary for them to subsequently correct, thus producing confusion. Shoebox Collection Week is Here!
Plus Toggle navigation. Password Assistance. Email address. The Great Confession Made by Peter. Share Tweet Save. Pharisaic Leaven. After this moment, Simon is called Peter. The passage includes a clear naming from Jesus — to call him Peter. Jesus referenced this in Matthew He, being Jesus, is the rock. But Catholic theology errs in this as in many other New Testament passages.
The Church is us Christians numerous passages in the Pauline epistles testify to this not an institution with headquarters in Rome. Your email address will not be published.
Randall Niles. Professional Biography. Peter was correct and his statement was powerful. The other gospels are silent. Peter did not discover this himself by observation and investigation. No secular Egyptian scroll, Babylonian astronomer, Greek scientific genius, or Jewish theology class revealed this truth to Peter. The Holy Spirit was the one who revealed this truth to Peter. Two of the greatest proofs that a person is a Christian is what they say about Jesus.
First, is He God and, second, is He their Lord. Notice the message of 1 Corinthians Only those who have accepted Jesus as Savior are true Christians. What do you think about Jesus? The proof that one is a true Christian is revealed in their conduct Matthew ; James The ultimate mark of true Christians is revealed by what they do when they do not want to obey.
Next, Jesus warned them to not reveal this truth to anyone. And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark NASB. The words were clear and simple. Jesus had to suffer, die, and return to life three days later. But Peter did not get the message. And He was stating the matter plainly.
And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. This shall never happen to You. Peter in his arrogance took Jesus aside and started rebuking Jesus. Peter assumed that he knew everything. But Peter did not understand everything. Like Peter, we sometimes assume that we understand everything too!
Even with the help of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians ; 1 John , we have difficulty understanding everything in the scriptures today. If someone disagrees with this statement, consider the apostle Peter who stated that there are some difficult things to understand in the Scriptures 2 Peter ; and he was an apostle empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Satan does the same thing today. Satan is clever. He wanted to stop Jesus from dying for our sins. The truth is, Satan is constantly working to motivate us to sin.
He tempts and encourages us to do the wrong thing Matthew ; Mark ; 1 Corinthians and then we agree and complete the act by sinning James Wow, did Peter get rebuked! The Holy Spirit tells us in Ephesians how to wage war against the devil.
That passage describes the Armor of God and indicates that one needs to believe in Jesus Christ first. Then that person needs to be confident that he or she has peace with God Romans He or she must also be truthful, righteous, have strong faith in God, be in the Word of God constantly, and have a meaningful prayer life.
They help us avoid sin and the temptation to motivate others to sin. Apparently, Peter had not learned about the weapons of this warfare, and quite frankly, I forget about these weapons on occasions. We all need to remember them and fight the good fight against our adversary. We need to be alert because Satan prowls like a lion. He is after us. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. Matthew NASB. Matthew has been a passage of great dispute. In order to understand this passage, one must look beneath the English text to the original Greek.
Jesus was simply stating that the church would be built upon bedrock — a solid foundation, the testimony that Peter stated in verse 16, and not on Peter.
Jesus is the foundation stone, the bedrock, or the chief corner stone as Acts and other passages remind us. Acts NASB. Peter petros was not the petra or bedrock of the church. Jesus was and is. Additionally, consider the fact that Peter was not the only builder of the church.
In 1 Corinthians we are told that men such as Peter or Apollos might plant and water but it is God who gives the increase. In 1 Corinthians we are told that God is the wise master builder and Jesus is the foundation. Verse 11 states,. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.