Some of the events where Peter, John, and James who were often alone with Jesus, like the Transfiguration, are like a first-person retelling of the story. He was said to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be crucified in the way that the Lord Jesus Christ had been. From an arrogant, cocky, man of thunder, he became a humble, willing, obedient servant of the Lord even to death. He rejoiced in that day of his death, knowing that he would be reunited with his beloved Savior.
This was a lifetime of 65 years — of which his last thirty-three would be devoted to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, no one could even be a priest until they were thirty years of age. David became king at age thirty and this age is near the peak of mental and physical abilities.
Peter will be one of only 12 apostles that will rule with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven. The lowly fisherman became a mighty fisher of men — and one that changed and shaped the world forever and is still proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his gospel written by Mark , the book of Acts, and through the epistles of 1 and II Peter.
Gilbert and Arlisle F. He did his graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary. Read them in the archive below. If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here. Thanks for stopping by! Thank you! Montpellier, France I really like Peter. Fisherman, tough, headstrong, impulsive Lord, we…we must build them shelters! A delight. He is one of about 25 reasons I came into the Catholic Church. But Peter was not a catholic, he was a christian. I agree. Peter was not a Catholic because Catholicism had not existed yet until way later … but not during the first century.
Peter also opened the Kingdom cf. Thank you. I have several people I admire from the Bible. All 12 apostle, Ester, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Naomi, they all have certain characters that make me want to study them more.
We have read the script about the biography of Peter and we were blessed about the character of Peter as a person who was determined, hard working and someone who has faith in Jesus Christ to become his first disciple. Thank you Jack, This is well written and comphrehensive enough to actually learn from. It helps tell the story of the man and makes it easier to transition into his writings. You are so kind Kelly and thank you for the encouragement. Really, it is all about Him Psalm ; 1 Cor I have started questioning why Paul is recognized as an apostle when I discovered a statement that Peter had verified him as an apostle.
I have serious doubt. Jesus named 12 men. One betrayed him leaving There will be 12 pillars and the apostles will be those 12, so we must have 12 and not Scripture speaks of 12 in Revelation too, so you cannot have Paul was called by Jesus Christ directly to be an apostle to the Gentiles Acts 9 so you are disagreeing with what Jesus told God.
Paul was a humble man who called himself the chief of sinners and the least of the apostles so that is not arrogance or self-praise but humility. He is an apostle and with Judas betrayal, that leaves Matthias was never called by God but chosen by men. You never hear from or about the apostle the discples chose, but Paul you hear much about. It must be 12 so you are wrong Carey. Please study this a bit more and you will see Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles but also witnessed to hundreds of Jews.
Paul wrote almost half the New Testament so the effort to discredit him is a subtle way of discrediting scripture. Boy is Satan subtle and brilliant! I have several favorite biblical characters David being my first because he was a man after Gods on heart. I also love Queen Vashti she was just real lol and Job and paul and Ruth how she admired her mother in law and follwed her and ended up with Boaz, a great man, we all as women would want one day.
Also Paul and Peter I love. I could go on and on because I love so many but Ill leave it at those few for now. God bless and keep teaching and spreading the gospel. Peter was the perfect example that God does not have to wait for his people to become perfect before He can utilize them for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you, Mr. Wellmen for this brief insight on the Apostle Peter. Hello Elizabeth. Not sure what you mean by can we have the apostles as guilds? Do you mean guides? Each gospel has its own perspective on this basic tale of the flawed disciple who becomes a leader. Mark, the earliest gospel, written in about 70 C. Peter is no exception.
When Jesus insists he must go to Jerusalem where he will suffer and be killed, Simon Peter takes Jesus aside and tells him not to go. At Gethsemane, Jesus harshly rebukes Simon Peter three times for sleeping rather than watching and praying with Jesus Mark — The denial scene is the last in which Jesus speaks directly to Simon Peter. Jesus never tells Simon Peter outright that he will become leader of the Twelve.
Peter has been singled out yet again. Mark may assume that his readers are familiar with the tradition, recorded by Paul 1 Corinthians , see below , that the risen Jesus first appeared to Peter. Finally, at the crucifixion scene, the crowd includes not just female disciples as in Mark but men too, leaving open the possibility that Simon Peter was present.
Luke also wrote the Book of Acts, in which he paints Simon Peter as a bold, theologically astute preacher, who cannot be deterred by religious authorities, persecution or imprisonment. He makes a lame man walk and heals a paralyzed man Acts , When Herod Agrippa, persecutor of Christians, jails him, he is rescued by angels Acts — He sustains the incipient but wavering faith of his followers. In Matthew, Simon Peter serves as an example of faith in Jesus for Christians whose faith is challenged.
For believers, the good news is that a person can still be a disciple even if he or she fails as dramatically as Simon Peter did. This would have been especially reassuring to early Christians facing persecution and death at the hands of the Roman elite.
As many as seven times? Is this a more plausible historical memory than the dramatic call story in which the brothers jump from fishing boat to discipleship Mark —18 ; Luke —11 ; Matthew —22? Only John names the disciple: It is Simon Peter. He recognizes that Jesus is risen at the empty tomb John Some have seen this as a rebuke—the risen Jesus comes back only to find Simon Peter fishing again, and has to remind him to take care of the sheep, to act as a leader.
But John clearly has something else in mind. He presents readers with an extended image of Jesus as the ideal shepherd, willing to give his life for his sheep. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. Immediately after, Jesus predicts that Simon Peter, too, will die a martyr John John 21 accomplishes in brief compass a shift that Luke pursued in Acts. Peter has been transformed from an uncertain, faltering disciple into the revered apostle and martyr.
Luke thus describes a series of changes in the early community during a period of reflection that was longer than the two weeks of resurrection appearances in the Fourth Gospel. Without such a focal point, the dynamic faith and hope that Jesus had evoked might not have survived the violence of the cross.
Matthew also feels the need to let readers know that Peter, whose flaws were so often a foil for Jesus during the ministry, became a very different person in the church that grew up after Easter.
Why does Mark fail to provide readers any glimpse of Peter as revered apostle? He sometimes told Jesus what to do. Often he spoke in haste and said foolish things. He was a very outspoken person and was prone to get excited. Yet because of these qualities he sometimes went outside of his correct place. Weak in the flesh though strong with the Spirit Mark , — Peter had a strong Spirit and was committed to Christ.
Yet at times his weak flesh took over then Jesus often called him Simon and caused him to do something he later regretted.
He fell asleep at the garden when Jesus asked him to pray and he denied Jesus three times. Inconsistency — As Peter was growing in the Lord he was inconsistent. He would have a great success in faith or action and that would be followed by a failure. He started walking on the water to Jesus and then looked around him and sank in the water. He declared his allegiance to Christ and then denied him three times.
Strengths: Although Peter had some clear weaknesses, he also had many strengths. Excited — Peter was excited about his relationship with Christ. He was excited to be able to learn from Jesus and witness what He did firsthand. Look at the example where he ran to the tomb to check if it was empty and then went inside when John just stuck his head in the door John Committed Mk - Peter may have fallen at times, but he was committed to Christ. He gave up his career and his home to follow and serve Christ.
He became a full-time Christian worker. They just want a touch of Jesus. Peter wanted all of his life to be affected by Jesus John Put God first Acts — Peter did put Jesus first in his life most of the time. He did so at the risk of his own life.
He put God ahead of career. Repentant — When Peter sinned by denying Christ he later repented of it and reaffirmed his faith in Christ three times John Peter seems to have learned from his mistakes because over time he became more and more mature and more and more courageous in His walk with the Lord and ministry for Him.
It is really a mark of a true believer to repent of sins, learn from mistakes, and grow throughout their life. Peter did these things. In the end he gave his life for Christ. Walking on Water Matt Raising Dorcas Acts Look at the events listed above and study what lessons you can learn from these events. How he died: John is a prophecy that Peter would die as a martyr. Think before we speak. Taking a few extra seconds on the front end can save a lot of hassle and problems on the back end.
We all have mistakes and are not perfect.