You will need to disable this feature before you continue. If you do not turn this feature off, all of the revisions that you make on your document will be tracked to the right-hand side of the document. Step 3: Once the Track Changes feature has been disabled, you can use the Accept , Previous , Next , or Reject buttons to toggle from one correction to another. The comma is highlighted, as it has been added into the document. Step 4: To accept the proposed change, click on the Accept button.
Once you click on Accept , you are moved to the next correction automatically. In this example, the comma has been inserted into the document. The phrase "shares of" is deleted from the first part of the sentence and added to the end of the sentence. Move your cursor on to the Accept All Changes in Document to accept all proposed changes.
Editor comments will need to be addressed individually. If you have lost your user name and password, you will need to click the Reset Password button.
And "revisions" are one kind of "markup". In Word and later versions, you display the work of a "Reviewer", but you may do so by choosing the colour "By Author".
You can accept or reject a "Change", show a list of "Revisions" in the Reviewing pane, but print a list of "Markup". And they're all the same thing.
Q: How do I see which changes were made by which author also known as a reviewer? If several authors have reviewed the document while Track Changes was on, then you can identify the author or reviewer in several ways:. In any of the Color boxes, choose "By Author". In the Track Changes Options dialog, in any of the color boxes, choose "By author".
You can choose to display tracked changed in any of 16 colours. But if you want Word to display different reviewers' revisions in different colours that is, if you choose to display using the "By Author" color , then Word only provides 8 colours with which to distinguish authors.
In theory, Word allocates colours to reviewers in the following order: red, blue, green, violet, dark red, teal, dark yellow and grey. For the 9th and subsequent reviewers of a document, Word cycles through the colours again.
But in practice, as reviewers come and go as their revisions are accepted or rejected , the allocation of colours to reviewers ends up, in effect, random.
You can test this out by changing the user's name, turning on tracked changes and making some changes to your document. Q: If Fred's revisions are shown in red on my machine, will they also be red on someone else's machine? Maybe, maybe not. Don't rely on any one author's revisions being displayed in a particular colour from day to day, or from machine to machine. Word likes to be creative, and you can't control its creative urges! Q: How do I display only the changes or revisions made by one author or reviewer?
In Word or Word , on the Review tab, in th Show Markup menu, choose Reviewers , and then tick or un-tick names to choose the reviewers whose changes you want to see.
Well… yes and no. Electricity is powerful, and dangerous. Just don't go sticking your finger in the power outlet. Using Track Changes is powerful, and dangerous. Just don't email or publish documents containing tracked changes you wouldn't want the world to see.
Unfortunately lots of people have made this mistake. Don't be like one of these people. A reasonably balanced overview of security issues and track changes by Donna Payne was published by law.
You'll get a report of your document that will tell you about revisions aka tracked changes. If there are tracked changes in the document, Word will give you a Remove All button.
This is a bit ruthless for my taste. It seems to me that the only reason you would use the Document Inspector to look for tracked changes is if you don't know what tracked changes are in the document. And if I don't know what's there, I don't want to click a button that will delete the lot in one fell swoop. It doesn't even tell me if "remove" means "accept" or "reject". It means "accept". If I do know what tracked changes are in the document, then the tools on the Review tab give me more information and more options than the Document Inspector.
I'm an absolute fanatic about security and privacy. But the Document Inspector does sometimes report messages akin to "Warning! You have windows in your house! Remove all? Q: How can I make sure that Word always displays tracked changes when I open a document. In the "Document-specific settings" section, tick the box "Make hidden markup visible when opening or saving". Tick "Make hidden markup visible when opening or saving.
In the "Document-specific settings" section, tick the box "Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments". Tick "Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments".
Q: I want to send my document outside the company. I want to leave tracked changes in the document, but I don't want anyone to see who made the tracked changes or when they were made.
How do I do that? In Word and earlier, you can't. The author or reviewer information and the date information are permanently attached to the revision when the revision was tracked. You can't change them, even in macro code. Tick the box "Remove personal information from file properties on save. If this box is ticked, Word removes the name of the author of a tracked change, and it removes the date and time that the change was made when you save your document.
But it leaves the tracked change itself. All tracked changes and comments will be now attributed to an anonymous "Author". For one document at a time, you can remove the personal information about tracked changes. To do that:. The Remove All button for Document Properties and Personal Information sets the 'Remove personal information from file properties on save' option for the document. So next time you save, your name will again be removed from tracked changes. If you don't want that, then:.
Q: How can I be absolutely sure that there is no tracked changes information left in my document? However, be aware of the Known issues with the Remove Hidden Data tool. To inspect a document:. Your documents might contain various kinds of hidden information that could compromise your security. Microsoft uses the term "metadata" that is, data about the data to refer to this kind of information. Here are links to information about how to minimize metadata in your documents:.