Why did Satan choose to disguise himself as a serpent? A hint to the reason for this may be found later in chapter 3. It describes how God came looking for Adam and Eve "in the cool of the day" verse 8. The implication here is that this was a fairly normal occurrence.
You have decided to create a new world with a new sentient race, a race to be formed in your own image. You would talk with them and walk with them on a regular basis.
You would tell them about the crisis concerning Satan and evil that is currently a problem thoughout the universe. You would explain to them what caused this crisis and how to recognise its presence if it ever appears on Earth. Satan felt the need to disguise himself. If he had announced his true identity Eve would most likely have walked away. But with the disguise, Eve listened to Satan. Satan first antagonised Eve by asking whether God had forbidden her to eat from any tree in the garden.
This statement was obviously wrong to Eve, and she felt the need to respond and set the record straight by saying that they could eat from any tree except the Tree of Knowledge which the serpent happened to be speaking from.
By saying this, Satan was drawing Eve into conversation with himself. Satan then came out with his punch-line: "You will not surely die For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" Genesis ,5 Eve was enthralled with the idea of being like God, and believed that what Satan had said about the real nature of the tree's fruit was true.
So she ate the fruit. Here is Eve's fundamental sin: self-exaltation. Satan told Eve that she would be like God, and have knowledge like God. She accepted this statement and decided that she wanted to be like God. Thus her real sin was that of placing herself before God - love for self rather love for God and others.
Interestingly enough, indications are that this is exactly the same sin that Satan himself committed and which lead him down the path of evil. While it is not immediately obvious from the context, the following passage seems to be referring to Satan:.
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.
It would make sense that Satan would ultimately use the same line of reasoning which appeals so much to himself. It is interesting to note that humans seem to have been created as mortal beings. They needed fruit from the Tree of Life to continue living.
Thus God could say "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. Access to the Tree of Life was prohibited as a result of sin. On the other hand, Satan and his angels were presumably created immortal.
Parens — Jhn KJV. Quotes Around Verses. Remove Square Brackets. Sort Canonically. Free Bible Courses Visit. Help Quick Nav Advanced Options. Cite Share Print. Search Results in Other Versions. BLB Searches. Search the Bible. LexiConc [? Advanced Options Exact Match. Theological FAQs [? Multi-Verse Retrieval x. En dash not Hyphen. Let's Connect x. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Daily Devotionals x.
Daily Bible Reading Plans x. Recently Popular Pages x. Recently Popular Media x. One of the major interpretive issues in Scripture concerns how we should interpret the third chapter of Genesis. What actually happened in the Garden of Eden?
Did the Fall actually occur, or is this event to be understood symbolically? Historical Event As we examine the Bible we find the Fall is treated as a historical event.
More than that, the Fall of humanity is the basis of all subsequent doctrines of Scripture. Without the Fall the rest of the Bible is meaningless for the following reasons: 1. Explanation Of Sin For example, without the Fall there is no explanation of sin entering into the universe.
If we assume that God created the heavens, the earth, and humankind in their present state, then we must assume that God is a bad God. Only by understanding the biblical account of the Fall in a literal manner do we have an explanation of the entrance of sin and the reason the world is in its present condition. The sacrifice of Christ was necessary because of the original sin of Adam and Eve. Apart from the explanation of the Fall, Christ's coming into the world and His sacrifice on Calvary's cross has no meaning.
The Bible consistently treats the Fall as a historical event that affects every major theme of Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, the entire flow and meaning of biblical history is based upon the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
If the Fall did not actually occur, then the purpose of biblical history makes no sense. Summary The Fall marked a crucial event in biblical history. The Fall explains the entrance of sin into the world as well as the need for a Savior. It also explains why the world is in the state that it is. Furthermore, the Fall is a main theme throughout Scripture. The major biblical doctrines are based upon the literal occurrence of the Fall in Genesis.
Without the Fall, the entire story of the Bible is meaningless. Donate Contact. Blue Letter Bible is a c 3 nonprofit organization. APA Format. Chicago Format. SBL Format. Share This Page. Follow Blue Letter Bible. Blue Letter Bible. Login To Your Account. Check your email for password retrieval Enter Your Email or Username. Login [?